A "situation"
Under different circumstances, I would have thought it a pretty impressive display with al the brothers gathered before me with arms folded.
Eight brothers. Some of them quite large. All staring at me.
In keeping with the religious nature of the family, they were, Jacob – after the baker himself – then Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul, and, of course, Nicholas.
The baker joined them.
“I understand the situation with my daughter has changed.”
“Yes,” I said.
“This means that she can’t travel with you.”
“Father…,” she began.
“He held up his hand.
“You in the company of a senior member of our community and a friend, fine. But now.”
“You kissed her,” Nicholas blurted.
“Actually, she kissed me.”
They all looked at her. She nodded.
“It does not matter,” the baker said. “A line has been crossed.”
“Yes,” I said. “But if I might have a moment alone with Ann Kristina, we might be able to resolve the situation.”
Young Paul – who was all of eight – sputtered, “But you’re so old.”
The baker looked at him sharply. The he turned to me.
“You may talk to her. We will leave the room for a few minutes.”
They all stood and left.
Paul gave me a funny look.
Nicholas looked at Anna, then at me. Then he winked and left.
When we were alone, I looked at Anna.
“So this is a situation,” I said. “I’ve never been in a situation before.”
“Neither have I,” she said.
"Well, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be in a situation with.
She smiled.
“But," I said, "I think it’s time for a little truth.”
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