Sunday, December 18, 2005

In praise of Mrs. Claus

Mrs. Claus made me a wonderful lentil soup last night – with homemade bread.

It was just what I needed after a long day of work.

It’s just one week until Christmas. We are all working as fast as we can to finish are the toys and candy and other gifts. I have put in long days all week.

By last night, I was beat.

And then there was that bowl of soup and that still steaming bread.

Mrs. Claus is one of the miracles of the North Pole. I don’t know if Christmas would be the same without her.

I’m not just talking about cooking and taking care of the house and me – though she does a fine job of that. (Oh, by the way, I also cook, and do housework: It’s called “housework,” not woman’s work! Good boys share in the household chore.)

But Mrs. Claus does so much more.

Over the years she has help design and improve toys.

She has helped me deliver toys.

She works in some of the shops. At various times she has made and painted toys, knit clothing, operated candy cane machines, and so on.

When we had an elf flu outbreak a few years ago, she was one of the nurses in the hospital.

I could go on and on.

When we married, she became my partner in all ways.

She is one of the greatest gifts given me by the Lord.

By the way, when you write me letters – which I love to receive – she gets a smile when you say hello to her, too.


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