Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sunday is a day for...cauliflower cheese ice cream?

Sunday is always a special day here at the North Pole.

We began today with church (remember, I was a bishop!).

Today’s readings contain one of my favorite lines in Christian Scripture: “”... for what you have hidden from the learned and clever you have revealed to the merest child.” (Matthew 11:25)

Ho! Ho! Don’t I know well how wise children can be.

Then we came home for a brunch. I did the cooking – to give my dear wife a chance to rest. And, to be honest, I like to cook.

Today’s menu: French toast, Canadian bacon, melon slices, fresh orange juice, and tea (for her) and coffee (for me).

I remember years past when the children were here. Oh, the piles of food! Pancakes stacked until they nearly reached the ceiling. Platters of eggs, all styles, steaming up the windows. Pitchers of juice and milk so large that you could swim in them.


Did I mention that I’m a bit of a storyteller?

Ah, but the children are long gone. And the grandchildren. And the great-grandchildren. And the…you get the idea.

Why, there are descendents of Mrs. Claus and me all around the world. Most of them don’t know that they can trace their family trees back to me (though a few suspect).

But I know who each and every one of them is. I keep an eye on them. Maybe you are one of them!

Sunday afternoons here are reserved for visiting families and friends, or just catching up on a hobby. This afternoon Mrs. Claus and I are stopping by the home of the head ice cream elf, Peri, and his darling wife, Milla, and their ten children. I suspect he wants me to try one of his new flavors (the last time it was cauliflower cheese!).

Following that, we will be home. Mrs. Claus plans to read a mystery novel she has nearly finished. I will be adding to my painting of a mountain where I lived many years ago. Then we will work on a puzzle together, and have a quiet dinner.

After all the bustle of the week, it’s nice to relax with loved ones.


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